For many years now, TotalEnergies has been supporting two associations that offer first flight experiences to sick, disabled or underprivileged children. This is a way of introducing them to a whole new world and sharing our enthusiasm for aviation with them. Meetings with their representatives.

Rêves de Gosse: an aerial tour of France for children
The association Les Chevaliers du Ciel, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, grew from its founders’ desire to use their passion for flight to help underprivileged children. Each operation kicks off to a “special action” session that brings together "ordinary" and "extraordinary" (disabled, sick, visually or hearing impaired, socially excluded) children to overcome differences and change the way people see things. The aim here is to form pairs who will then work on designing their own “special action”. The operation is topped off with a first flight, the highly popular "Rêves de gosse", which takes place in several cities across France and is provided for free by the association's pilots. "A first flight experience can mean a lot to a child, much more than we imagine. For instance, I’ve seen an 8-year-old autistic child say his first words during a flight, and a 12-year-old boy with a withdrawn character shout with joy as he soared over Fort Boyard. They seem to leave their shackles behind on the ground, and it's a liberating experience," says the president of the association, Jean-Yves Glémée. The association is going from strength to strength: 1,500 to 2,000 first flights are organised each year, and it has been placed under the patronage of the French President since Jacques Chirac. TotalEnergies has been a partner of Rêves de Gosse for 20 years and supplies the fuel used to fly the association's planes every year.